Productivity Cycles are repeated behaviors that help you become deliberate and purposeful about how you spend your time and energy.
1- Productivity cycles challenge you to recognise the importance of tasks in the short-term and in the long-term
2- Thinking in cycles gives you more mental space (and helps you be more creative)
3- You’ll remember more and build skills faster thanks to the Spacing Effect Spacing effect: We are better able to recall information and concepts if we learn them in multiple, spread-out sessions. We can leverage this effect by using spaced repetition to slowly learn almost anything.
4- Focusing on one single type of task makes you more productive. The longer you can focus on a single type of task, the faster you can get it done.
5- Cycles keep you in the present. Clearing your schedule to do a set of tasks allows you to focus more on what you’re doing.
Do you have any different reasons to stay productive? share them in the comments below!
Resources: Managing the Natural Ups and Downs of Your Workweek The Spacing Effect: How to Improve Learning and Maximize Retention #OnCoping